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Export of 16 tons of codeine phosphate to India

Export of 16 tons of codeine phosphate to India Export of 16 tons of codeine phosphate to India According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Darupakhsh Raw Materials Production Company (Temad), 16 tons of codeine phosphate was exported to India. Despite the fact that India is one of the contenders in… Continue reading Export of 16 tons of codeine phosphate to India

Temad’s Effective presence in the anti-drug week

Temad’s Effective presence in the anti-drug week Temad’s Effective presence in the anti-drug weekTemad’s Effective presence in the anti-drug week Every year, on the occasion of the World Anti-Drug Day, a special slogan is chosen by the United Nations, and following that slogan, necessary actions and activities to deal with drugs and addiction are planned and… Continue reading Temad’s Effective presence in the anti-drug week

Good news from Temad, Setting a new record and growing sales and production indicators

Good news from Temad, Setting a new record and growing sales and production indicators Understanding of export cooperation of Cuba, the largest importer of active pharmaceutical ingredients According to the report of Public Relations and International Affairs of Darupakhsh Raw Materials Production Company (Temad), the representatives of the Cuban Embassy in Iran, a accompanying delegation… Continue reading Good news from Temad, Setting a new record and growing sales and production indicators